Praying with the Emmaus Disciples

Particular Examen

God meets us where we are. He can communicate with us in countless ways, whether within a formal prayer or not. God can communicate through the Eucharist, through the Scriptures, through a stranger, through a song or a movie.

In the movie The Count of Monte Cristo, Mercedes tells Edmond that God is in everything, even in a kiss. For those who have not watched the movie, we recommend it. It is certainly a good movie to watch in connection with the experience of grief and anger. For those who have watched it, here’s a clip of the said scene between Edmond and Mercedes.

There was a novice who shared her experience of grief and depression in the process of discerning God’s call for her. She said that her father wanted her to take an MBA abroad. Since it was her father’s wish she could not say no to it. So, she pretended that she was ok with it when all she wanted deep inside was to enter the religious life. This plunged her into depression. The closer the time for her to go abroad, the deeper she got into her depression. It so happened that she and her family went on a pilgrimage. There, she read the story of the martyr who was told to renounce his faith or die. The general who was trying to make him renounce his faith even promised his daughter in marriage and a high position in the army. He chose death rather than abandon his faith. As she read what this martyr did, she felt that her depression was taken away from her. That very moment she felt God spoke to her and gave her the courage to pursue what was in her heart.

As you look back to your experience of grieving and your experience in this retreat, let the spirit of God guide you. How was the Lord present in your grief? How has he communicated his abiding presence to you? Were there moments when your heart was burning or when your inner eye was open to his presence? Relish one or two of these moments and converse with the Lord about it.

My prayer or Ignatian Repetition

Is there a prayer that you resonate with at this time? What prayer expresses the desire in your heart? If so inspired, compose your own prayer to God. Then imagine the Lord before you as you address him with your prayer. Be mindful of every word as you say it to him. Or you may do an Ignatian repetition, that is, revisit any of your previous prayers in which you felt God’s grace. This will allow you to deepen God’s grace for you. End by thanking the Lord.

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus,

We find you in our life, especially in our grieving, as a compassionate companion. In your mercy, you bore all our sufferings and died for us. Thus you saved us from sin and death, and brought us the joy of your faithful and boundless love. May we become compassionate companions to people who are grieving and suffering. Sustained by your grace, may we be your heart today. Amen.