Prayer Suggestions

Good Excuses

Read the parable found in Lk 14:15-24. What good excuses do you have for not praying for indifference or for not heeding what you feel God is asking of you now? What’s behind your excuse? An attachment? Strong fear? Converse with the Lord about it. And ask the Lord for the grace you need.

Lessons from God

Revisit your vocation story as a hearter formator. Or revisit your experience of being lost in a trackless desert and finding God your only guide. Or revisit your experience of hanging on to a branch for dear life and God asking you to let go. What has the Lord taught you through these experiences? Do these experiences speak to you now? Can they guide you in your present situation? Spend time to listen to the lessons God wants to impart to you. End your prayer by thanking the Lord for the lessons he is teaching you.

You may play this music, Prayer of Rupert Mayer, to help you dispose yourself to the last prayer.

What decides

Return to your desire for this new school year, your answer to the question: What ought I to do por Cristo? Is it simply your attachment or fear that impells you to choose it or is it the love of Christ? As you offer your desire, pray to the Father to make your desire be in sync with His, pray for the grace of companionship with His Son.