
Feel free to share the graces you have received from God in this retreat. You may use the statements below as guide in posting your comments.

The prayer that helped me the most was ___________.

Now I feel ___________ to be chosen in Christ, to be a hearter formator.

The grace of this retreat for me is____________.

You may also try to break the code below. The first three to post the right answer will receive a gift from El Capitan. ('Got this from the ice breaker at the SHS morning assembly last Friday. Thanks to John Paul Preston for making this code.)

To post, click on the plus sign at the bottom right corner of the page and a text box will appear. If you're signed in with your Padlet account, your name will show; otherwise, your post will be anonymous. (Thanks to Sheryl Ann Casalla for showing us that it's also possible to include your name in your post.) Post away!