Closing Message

Let me end on a personal note. I like to thank Fr. Manny Uy and Fr. Nono Levosada for entrusting to me this no little task of giving this retreat to the school. I also thank Ric Flores and the rest of the staff of the Campus Ministry for their help in the announcement and in making sure the facilitators were prepped. Thanks to the facilitators for their availability and generosity. My thanks also goes to Fr. Johnny Go for sharing his drawings on Ignatius life. And thanks to Johnny and Je Ching for their feedback. When I shared with them the text of the retreat (because I mentioned them in it) and told them that I was going to give it on PDF, they both insisted that I create a website for it. And when I asked them what to use as a commenting tool, they interestingly suggested that I look into Padlet. So, in less than no time, I had to teach myself how to create on Google Sites and Padlet. This is my first time to create a website! And I’m glad to have done it for an Ignatius retreat and for Sacred Heart School. If through the retreat a soul has been helped, it’s all worth it. All the best for God, for Ignatius, and for Sacred Heart School! Happy feast of St. Ignatius!

Alex Badiola, SJ