Opening Message

Dear SHS-AdC formators,

Magis Monday! In preparation for the feast of St. Ignatius Loyola, we offer this retreat Chosen in Christ, Called To Companionship (CTC for short). This is to deepen and sustain all the spiritual exercises we have gone through since the beginning of our Summer In-Service Program. This time we are invited to pray on the Father’s gift of making us companions of His Son. And we ask St. Ignatius, the master retreat-giver, to help us become companions of our Lord as we go online this new school year.

The retreat runs from July 20-30, 2020. It has two parts. Week 1 is The Vocation in Christ, the theme for July 20-24. And Week 2 is The Following of Christ, the theme for July 25-30. We follow the same basic formula: New theme on July 20 and 25, Small Group Sharing on July 24 and 30, and Individual Prayer in between the launch and the sharing.

As in the RTJ retreat, we recommend the Ignatian practice of daily Examen during the CTC retreat. May Ignatius lead us to a deeper friendship with Christ.

Alex Badiola, SJ