Dear SHS-AdC formators,

Peace! As we begin our Summer In-Service Program in this time of pandemic, we offer this online retreat dubbed Returning to Jerusalem (RTJ). It has two parts. Part I is Naming My Grief, the matter for the first week (May 18-22, 2020) and Part II is Finding God in My Grief, the matter for the next two weeks (May 25-29 & June 1-5). The matter for the week is made available on the Monday of the week. Sharing is done on the Friday of the week. Between Monday and Friday, each one finds his or her own time to do the reading of the points, praying, and journaling. To help us get into the spirit of the retreat, we suggest the daily Spiritual Warm Up and Cool Down. Like the Emmaus disciples, may we find the Lord as our compassionate companion in this retreat.

Alex Badiola, SJ