Seeing Jesus in Lazarus

We read in Luke the parable of The Rich Man and Lazarus (Lk 16:19-31). We ask: What did the rich man do wrong? Short answer: He did not see Christ in Lazarus. Let us listen to the words of Pope Francis to elaborate on this. He speaks of Holiness. But, holiness is what results from a heart converted to the heart of Christ - the conversion of the heart which is the grace of the season of Lent. Pope Francis bases his reflection on Mt 25: 35-36.

He writes: The text of Mt 25:35-36 is “not a simple invitation to charity: it is a page of Christology which sheds a ray of light on the mystery of Christ.” In this call to recognize him in the poor and suffering, we see revealed the very heart of Christ, his deepest feelings and choices, which every saint seeks to imitate...Given these uncompromising demands of Jesus, it is my duty to ask Christians to acknowledge and accept them in a spirit of genuine openness, sine glossa. In other words, without any “ifs or buts'' that could lessen their force. Our Lord made it very clear that holiness cannot be understood or lived apart from these demands, for mercy is “the beating heart of the Gospel''. (Gaudete et Exsultate 96-97).

You can use the above for your examination of conscience. Or you can contemplate this painting of Joey Velasco's version of the Last Supper.