Prayer for the 2022 Election

Loving Father, only in you can we ever find the good.

You gave us our country for the good of everyone in it.

You gave each of us intelligence and freewill

so that we may responsibly participate in working for this good.

And so, in our exercise of our right to vote in the 2022 election, we turn to you aware of the great responsibility you’re placing upon us.

Lord, may your will hold sway rather than money.

May we not accept money or anything in exchange for our vote.

May we not vote for the candidate who offers to buy our votes.

Lord, give us the courage not to sell our votes and sell this great responsibility you have given us.

Lord, may we discern who is corrupt and who is not.

A corrupt top easily corrupts the bottom, while a good one easily inspires.

The corrupt one uses public office for self-enrichment, the good for service.

May we not vote for the corrupt one, but for the one who has the heart of a public servant, who works for the good of all, especially the poor.

Lord, help us to know the one after your heart.

Lord, may we understand that the election is not just choosing who’s winnable,

but choosing who has competence and experience.

Clothes doesn't make the person, as does popularity the right leader.

The right leader is one who can bring about the change our country badly needs at this time.

May we not vote for someone just because he's popular, but because he is the one our country needs.

Lord, help us to recognize the right leader for us, the one who embodies all the dreams and hopes of our people, the one whom you sent for us.

And when at last we close our eyes, Lord, may our reward be the joy to come before you and say: Father, we thank you for making us your servants. We’ve done what you’ve asked us to do. All honor and glory be yours for all good comes from you. Amen.