Praying with the Emmaus Disciples


God speaks to us in a very personal way. Therefore, focus on how the prayer applies to you, how the Lord is addressing you in your prayer.

You don’t have to limit your prayer to the points and questions given below. If they help you, use them; if not, feel free to ignore them. Follow the inner inspiration you have. So, whatever helps you get in touch with God’s personal grace, stay there.

Prayer Suggestions

Ignatian Contemplation

Contemplate the Lord’s appearance to the Emmaus disciples found in Lk 24:13-35. Following Ignatius’ lead, see the persons involved, listen to what they say, observe their actions, and stay where you find profit. Ignatius says we pay attention to how the Lord consoles his disciples and ask the Lord the grace to console us. Find the passage here Luke 24.

Heart-To-Heart Talk with the Lord

Sometimes writing down or sharing with others what is going on with you can help you articulate it before God. You can read to God what you have thus far written in your journal. Or speak to him from your heart. Speak to him about your loss, your sadness, or even your lament. And be open and listen to what God may want to communicate with you. If nothing comes to you, simply be present to Him in your poverty.

Lectio Divina

Hanging on the Cross, Jesus cried out to His Father in the words of Psalm 22. Ps 22 is a lamentation and trust psalm. Read once the whole Ps 22. Then read it again, this time read it slowly. If an image, word, or phrase strikes you, stay there for as long as you feel you need to. How is it speaking to you? Spend time to converse with the Lord about it.