The Seal of our Love For Them

It’s only when Jesus was raised by the Father that he could truly console his disciples. Today’s gospel narrates: He [Jesus] stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.”

But - as the narrative continues - they [his disciples] were startled and terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost.

Sometimes, something happens to us or to a loved one that changes everything for the worse. We are seized with fear. We think of the worst. We think God has abandoned us or is punishing us.

To assure his disciples that he’s not a ghost, that it’s in fact him, Jesus shows them the nail marks in his hands and feet, asks them to touch them and even asks them for something to eat. To console them, Jesus lets them know that everything happened according to His Father’s mysterious plan, that by his death and resurrection, God has conquered death and offered everyone eternal life.

As we contemplate today’s gospel passage, we ask ourselves: is this true of our experience - that when we’re troubled and terrified, the Lord comes to us and consoles us? If true, go to that experience(s) in your life. Relive how the Lord consoled you, took you out of your misery and filled you with peace. If not, turn to God in your troubles and let him, through his death and resurrection, assure you of his abiding presence.

Not only does Jesus console his disciples, he empowers them to be his witnesses. As with his disciples, so it is with us. These experiences of God’s merciful and saving actions in our lives are graces meant to be shared with others. And so, we ask ourselves: in our life now how are we giving witness to these graces we have received, how are we giving witness to the risen Lord.

It is said that even now the Lord continues to intercede for us to the Father, showing his Father the nail marks in his hands, as though to tell the Father: The seal of our love for them. In your contemplation, share your worst fears with the Lord. And as the Lord shows his wounds to you, let your fingers feel them and let him tell you why he still bears them.